
About Cookies

What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small file, generally consisting of letters and numbers, which is downloaded to the memory of a computer (or other device used for online navigation, such as a mobile phone, tablet, etc.) when the user accesses a specific website.

Cookies are created when the browser used by a user displays a specific website. The website transmits information to the browser, and it creates a text file. Each time the user accesses that website again, the browser accesses and transmits this file to the web server. In other words, the cookie can be seen as an identification card for the Internet user, notifying the website each time the user returns to that site.

Purpose of cookies

Cookies can ensure a faster and smoother interaction between users and websites. For example, when a user authenticates on a website, the authentication data is stored in a cookie; later, the user can access that website without needing to authenticate again.

In other cases, cookies can be used to store information about the activities performed by the user on a specific web page so that the user can easily resume those activities on a subsequent visit to the site. Cookies tell the server which pages to show the user, so the user doesn't have to remember or navigate the entire site from the beginning. Thus, cookies can be likened to "bookmarks" that tell the user exactly where they left off on a website.

Similarly, cookies can store information about the products ordered by the user on an e-commerce site, making the concept of a "shopping cart" possible.

Also, cookies can allow websites to monitor users' online activities and establish user profiles, which can be used for marketing purposes. For example, based on cookies, products and services liked by a user can be identified, and this information can later be used to send targeted advertising messages to that user.

It is important to note that websites in Romania are obliged to publicly specify if they use cookies and for what purpose.

Types of cookies

Session-specific cookies

Web pages have no memory. A user navigating from one web page to another is considered by the website as a new user. Session-specific cookies typically store an identifier that allows the user to move from one web page to another without having to enter identification information each time (username, password, etc.). Such cookies are widely used by commercial websites, for example, to keep track of products added by a user to the shopping cart. When the user accesses the shopping cart page, the added products are still there, and the user can continue shopping or place an order.

Persistent cookies

Persistent cookies store user preferences for a specific website. Thus, websites remember the user at the next visit. Persistent cookies play a role in providing a personalized browsing experience, tailored to the preferences and interests of each user.

Third-party cookies

Some cookies are not set by the owner of the website that the user is currently browsing. These cookies are called third-party cookies. They can be used by different advertising companies to track a user's online activities.

What cookies are NOT used for

Cookies are not viruses! They use plain text formats. They are composed of pieces of code, and they cannot be executed nor can they auto-run. Consequently, they cannot duplicate or replicate on other networks to run or replicate again. Because they cannot perform these functions, they cannot be considered viruses.

Cookies cannot access a user's hard drive. A cookie store is only available in the domain that issued it. Another important aspect to consider is that a cookie cannot be accessed by other websites, as these websites do not have access to that specific cookie.

How are cookies managed by your browser?

Most browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. However, users can change these settings to block cookies or to be notified each time cookies are sent to their device. There are several ways to manage cookies, and this depends on the user's preferences set in the browser they are using. Disabling cookies may affect the user's browsing experience on a particular website.

Users can configure their browser to accept or reject all cookies or to accept only certain cookies. All these settings can be found in the browser's "settings" or "preferences" menu.

It is important to note that by disabling cookies, the user may not be able to access certain sections of our website, and they may not be able to benefit from the full functionality of the site.

Cookies used by this website

This website uses both session-specific cookies and persistent cookies. Session-specific cookies store session-specific settings and are deleted when the user closes the browser. Persistent cookies are stored on the user's device between browser sessions and allow the user's preferences or actions on a website to be remembered.

Third-party cookies may also be used, especially for the analysis of the user's browsing behavior in order to improve their experience on the website.

By using cookies, we do not collect personal information, and any identification details are encrypted in the cookies we use. For more information about the way we process personal data, please read our Privacy Policy.

How can you manage cookies?

Most browsers allow users to view and delete cookies, individually or en masse. Users can also set their browser to block cookies for all websites or for specific websites. For more information on how to manage cookies, users can consult the "Help" section of their browser or visit the website, which provides comprehensive information on managing cookies in popular browsers.

Changes to the Cookies Policy

We may update our Cookies Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Cookies Policy on this page. We advise you to review this Cookies Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this Cookies Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.

Contact information

If you have any questions about our Cookies Policy, please contact us via the contact details provided on our website.