Terms and Conditions

I. General Information

The confidentiality of your personal data is one of the main concerns of Bethel Properties as the data controller.

This document aims to inform you about the processing of your personal data in the context of using the bethelproperties.ro website.

II. Categories of Processed Personal Data

If you are a visitor to the Site, Bethel Properties will process your personal data that you provide directly in the context of using the Site, such as the data you provide in the contact/questions/complaints section, to the extent you contact us in this way.

III. Purposes and Legal Bases of Processing

III.1. If you are a client of the Bethel Properties Site, your personal data is processed as follows:

- for the execution of the contractual relationship between you and Bethel Properties, for the acceptance, validation, dispatch, and billing of the order placed on the Site, informing you about the status of the order, organizing the return of ordered products, etc.

Basis: The processing of your data for this purpose is based on the contract between you and Bethel Properties, as defined in the Terms and Conditions. Providing your personal data is necessary for the execution of this contract. Refusal to provide data may result in the impossibility of carrying out contractual relationships between you and Bethel Properties.

- for the fulfillment of legal obligations that Bethel Properties has in the context of services provided through the Site, including tax obligations, as well as archiving.

Basis: The processing of your data for this purpose is necessary based on legal obligations. Providing your data for this purpose is necessary. Refusal to provide data may result in Bethel Properties being unable to fulfill its legal obligations and, therefore, unable to provide services through the Site.

- for marketing activities, namely for the transmission, through distance communication means (email, SMS), of commercial communications regarding products and services offered by Bethel Properties through the Site.

Basis: The processing of your data for this purpose is based on your consent, if you choose to provide it.

You can express your consent for data processing for this purpose by checking the corresponding box at the time of creating the account or later, in the My Account section. To unsubscribe from receiving such commercial communications, you can use the option at the end of each email/SMS containing commercial communications. In addition, you can unsubscribe by accessing the My Account section.

Providing your data for this purpose is voluntary. Refusing to provide consent for the processing of your data for this purpose will not have negative consequences for you.

- for the purpose of conducting analyzes, reports on the operation of the Site, profiling of consumer preferences, mainly to improve the experience offered on the Site.

Basis: The processing of your data for this purpose is based on the legitimate interest of Bethel Properties in continuously improving the customer experience on the Site. Providing your data for this purpose is voluntary. Refusing to provide data for this purpose will not have negative consequences for you.

III.2. If you are a visitor to the Site, Bethel Properties processes your personal data as follows:

- for marketing activities, namely for the transmission, through distance communication means (email, SMS), of commercial communications regarding products and services offered by Bethel Properties through the Site.

Basis: The processing of your data for this purpose is based on your consent, if you choose to provide it.

You can express your consent for data processing for this purpose by completing and checking the corresponding box in the newsletter subscription form available on the Site. To unsubscribe from receiving such commercial communications, you can use the option at the end of each email/SMS containing commercial communications.

Providing your data for this purpose is voluntary. Refusing to provide consent for the processing of your data for this purpose will not have negative consequences for you.

- for resolving complaints, complaints, and monitoring traffic to improve your experience on the Site.

Basis: The processing of your data for this purpose is based on the legitimate interest of Bethel Properties in ensuring the correct functioning of the Site and continuously improving the experience of Site visitors, including by addressing various comments, questions, or complaints.

Providing your data for this purpose is voluntary. Refusing to provide data for this purpose will not have negative consequences for you.

IV. Duration for Which We Process Your Data

As a principle, Bethel Properties will process your personal data only as long as necessary to achieve the processing purposes mentioned above.

The data will be stored for a determined period, as long as it is legally valid and,

in the case of a dispute, during the resolution of that dispute, as well as in accordance with current legislation as long as we have a legal obligation to keep, state, and other legal documents in accounting records and archives.

V. Disclosure of Personal Data

To achieve the processing purposes, Bethel Properties may disclose your data to partners, third parties, or entities that support Bethel Properties in carrying out activities through the Site, or to central/local public authorities, in the following exemplified cases:

- for Site administration;

- in situations where such communication is necessary for the allocation of prizes or other facilities to data subjects, obtained as a result of their participation in various promotional campaigns organized by Bethel Properties through the Site;

- for the maintenance, customization, and improvement of the Site and the services carried out through it;

- for data analysis, testing, and research, monitoring usage and activity trends, developing security features, and authenticating users;

- for transmitting marketing communications, within the limits provided by law;

- when the disclosure of personal data is provided by law, etc.

VI. Transfer of Personal Data

Personal data provided to Bethel Properties may be transferred outside Romania, but only to states within the European Union.

VII. Rights You Benefit From

Under the conditions provided by data protection legislation, as data subjects, you have the following rights:

- the right to information, i.e., the right to receive details regarding the processing activities carried out by Bethel Properties, as described in this document;

- the right of access to data, i.e., the right to obtain confirmation from Bethel Properties regarding the processing of personal data, as well as details about processing activities, such as how data is processed, the purpose of processing, recipients or categories of recipients of data, etc;

- the right to rectification, i.e., the right to obtain the correction, without undue delay, by Bethel Properties of inaccurate/ unjustified personal data, as well as the completion of incomplete data; Rectification/completion will be communicated to each recipient to whom the data was transmitted, except where this proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort.

- the right to erasure of data, without undue delay, ("the right to be forgotten"), if one of the following reasons applies:

- they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or processed;

- in case consent is withdrawn, and there is no other legal basis for processing;

- in case the data subject opposes processing, and there are no legitimate grounds that override the data subject's rights;

- if personal data has been processed unlawfully;

- if personal data must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation;

- personal data was collected in connection with the provision of information society services according to Union law or the national law under which the operator operates.

It is possible that, following a request for data deletion, Bethel Properties will anonymize this data (thus depriving it of personal character) and continue to process it for statistical purposes in these conditions;

- the right to restrict processing to the extent that:

- the data subject disputes the accuracy of the data, for a period allowing the verification of the correctness of the data;

- processing is illegal, and the data subject opposes the deletion of personal data, instead requesting the restriction of their use;

- the operator no longer needs personal data for processing, but the data subject requests them for the establishment, exercise, or defense of a legal right; or

- the data subject has objected to processing (other than direct marketing) for the period while it is verified whether the legitimate rights of the operator prevail over those of the data subject.

- the right to data portability, i.e., (i) the right to receive personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, as well as (ii) the right for this data to be transmitted by Bethel Properties to another data controller, to the extent that the conditions provided by law are met;

- the right to object – concerning processing activities can be exercised by sending a request as indicated below;

- at any time, for reasons related to their particular situation, that the data that concerns them be processed based on the legitimate interest of Bethel Properties or based on the public interest, except where Bethel Properties can demonstrate that it has legitimate and compelling reasons that justify processing and prevail over the interests, rights, and freedoms of the data subject, or that the purpose is to establish, exercise, or defend a legal right in court;

- at any time, free of charge and without justification, that the data that concerns them be processed for direct marketing purposes.

- the right not to be subject to an individual automated decision, i.e., the right not to be the subject of a decision based solely on automated processing activities, including profiling, which produces legal effects that concern the data subject or similarly affects them in a significant way;

- the right to address the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing or competent courts, to the extent deemed necessary.

For any additional questions about how personal data is processed and to exercise the rights mentioned above, please contact the email address: contact@bethelproperties.ro